Emission N°69 : Bonne année, et surtout, le LARSEN !

Toxic Wastesombre héros
CoffinsAltars in gore
Pissed jeanscold whip cream
Nopespocket square motherfucker
Napalm Deathcontagion
Warcollapsebound to die
Dream UnendingThe Needful
Purity Control
Emma ruth rundleblooms of oblivion
Erratumdemain sera la même journée
Diesel Breathtribe vibe pride
Delphine Comadissolve
First Days of HumanityClumps of Worms
Eldovarfrom deep within
Catisfactionstay positive
Social Experimenti don’t like your attitude
Baixo calãoMarcha Luxuriante
Subhumansreligious war
Flux of pink indiansthey lie, we die
king womanMorning star
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