Archives de l’auteur : mementomori

Emission N°72 : Quand Mounet n’est pas là, le guacamole danse.

Le reparateur A l’abbatoir Jack and the bearded fishermen Fingers crossed Mozergush Voznakurenets lamp of murmuur dominatrix’s call Mortal Vision Mind Manipulation Obrij Чорна смерть hinin Terrain vague Rotten mind Die young Grossty Laugh at their Lives Epicrise Pierdolę To … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°71 : #JACK 2022 !

Pete & Lou Kholer God save ukraine Vagina Witchcraft Mercury Barren ? the poison king Barren Soil cultivation Jack and the bearded fishermen beware of birds Marmol Guerra de clases Aubzagl the hermit Satanic Planet Invocation Marx Brow Nooit + steemvee … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°70 : Queens of the Stonehenge

Woodwork panopticon Nightwatchers 1905 & The Muslim Exception Despo Rutti Apocalypto Cold Hell Removed Life + Human Shapes + Foul Between Teeth le tunnel de l’enfer sly is doer Salo algeria Radical kitten wrong! Makach silence (1981 cover) Black Josh … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°69 : Bonne année, et surtout, le LARSEN !

Toxic Waste sombre héros Coffins Altars in gore Vîrus Cafarnaüm Pissed jeans cold whip cream Nopes pocket square motherfucker Napalm Death contagion Warcollapse bound to die Dream Unending The Needful Purity Control Emma ruth rundle blooms of oblivion Erratum demain … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N° 68 : Blast beat de Noël

Converge Flower moon Bloody Phoenix With my rifle + Snipers Bolt Thrower Where Next To Conquer La consigne l’age de guerre Angry silence pissing rain verdun narconaut Moom surrender Mortiferum codex of flesh lucifungus world shaker F-0.7 Faute d’attention F-0.7 … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°67 : Blockheads e(s)t la guerre

Blockheads Walls Blockheads blind machine Blockheads cages Blockheads when you became a shadow Blockheads Trip to the void Blockheads vultures Charles Bronson Let’s Start Another War So I Can sing about stopping it Manowar holy war Planes mistaken for stars … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°66(6) : l’amour du rock. The muslims fuck these fucking fascists Torve wolves on the remparts Darkthrone his master voice Higgs Boson isolation /salvation Brainwasher omnicide Amyl and the sniffers Hertz Okkultokrati thunders possessed Grotesquerie Netflix’n’kill Civilian Thrower Human projectiles Jarnbord en parad av forsupnaman … Continuer la lecture

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Carpenter brut Maniac Ekymose contre courant The Mercenaries rocky road Tomb mold adaptive manipulator The armed night city aliens Procrastination Education hypothesis Spell runner S.O.N.Y witching witness Dopelord the withching hour bell Jungbluth king of the hill Criminal body sodium … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°64 : They have an army, we have a Cham. Woodwork days of wrath bib Freedom Frog Lord Ecocide Töxik Death Undead Vengeance Turbonegro I Got a Knife

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Emission N°63 : Illegal corpse in gonna love you up ! Gym tonic illegal corpse Illegal corpse Weed of change Illegal corpse Riding another toxic wave Eyehategod fake what’s yours Wolfbrigade in darkness you feel no regrets

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