Emission N°91 : Aux chanwelyzés

ClaviculeWilted Flowers
Abrasive wheelsmaybe tomorrow
Angelic upstartslast night another soldiers
Black WoundDread
ZornThe Spell of the Fairy Tree
Pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigsTerror’s pillow
Chiensnew world disorder
Municipal wasteterror shark
Left to StarveU Obliju Oziljaka
King gizzardWitchcraft
The hivesstep out of the way
Lethaldrag me
IntentionBreak a spell
The atom agehoneybees
Home frontNation
Mestrethe new beat
Rodrigo OgiRotina
MSPAINTPost american
NOFXChamps élysées
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Emission N°90 : c’est la caca, la cata, c’est la catastrophe.

Burning headsbomb the world
Petrol girlsTouch me again
Storm Of SeditionEternal War
WinterServant of the warsmen
Swordwielderbeneath a blood red sky
The chiselCry your eye out
The midnight computersviolence
Cadaver mentalultima generacion libre
Chain whipcall of the knife
NashgulProtocolo Deus
CavalerieFace the charge
Chicken’s callon reviendra
Filatureles formes
Nightwatchers4000 morts
AccidenteLxs invisibles
MardukMemento Mori
Nordic Walking1. die sehnsucht der instanzen 2. ultra 3. wandkopf
Svaveldioxidmental skyttegrav
Stingrayfortress britain crumbles
Mars red skythe final round
Restraining orderwhat will you do
GridDisinformation = facts
grideun morceau qui bourre au pif.
Publié dans News | Commentaires fermés sur Emission N°90 : c’est la caca, la cata, c’est la catastrophe.

Emission N°89 : Post rock et bétonnière

Broken RosesTell me
Clownsscared to die
King GordySatanic Panic
Astiobocche stanche
Chiaroscuroconstantly problematic
Jeremie DalsteinHigh anxiety
The atom AgeNew season
Rampage !Sick of this
ExhibitionLosing Control
Turquoiseguerre du feu
Barragelit vide
KindFavorite one
Insomnia Isterica
Will CopeA gift that keeps on giving + Burst
Union Thugspartisan
Dictator shipcity girl
Stuffed foxesDrift
LothLa douleur tombée du Ciel
Faucheuseville interdite
Helms AleeInterarchnid
Whoresbaby bird
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Emission N°88 : No barbecue, no problems.

Hinintu lis dans mes pensées
ChiaroscuroGrain de sable
Enzymeabuse of power
Thatchers’s snatchwhite collar man
FugitiveStand Off
HordurPerdu dans le sleeping
Rorcalchildood is a knife in the throat
Move BHC1000000 experiments
Fredag den 13:Een storm ar pa vag
Year of the knifeCtrl + C
Bat SabbathWarpigs
Skip Life
Tentaculoextranas luces
Red Donsgenocide
Terminator x
SepulturaSlaves of pain
Brutuslove won’t hide the ugliness
Nightfeederrolling slaughter
Cancer Spreadingdying martyrs
Blood incantationobliquity of the ecliptic
Tomb MoldThe Perfect Memory
Publié dans News | Commentaires fermés sur Emission N°88 : No barbecue, no problems.

Emission N°87 : Mais il est où Mounet ?

Home frontovertime
Joy DivisionDisorder
SvartulvenWitness of fire beyond
FeuViser la base des flammes
Burning Brightbeasts of prey
Innumerable FormsImpenetrable
Human Corpse AbuseSpiraling Teeth
King gizzard and the lizard wizardConverge
ViceprezIt’s a lie
ChiensJim Jones Concept
ChiensI’m just a shit
Exhorbitant Prices Must DiminishLe rêve est mort
red sun atacamaechoes
The hives
Sum LightsDisinterment of light
Illegal CorpseCorpsepaint
No suicide actmanifeste no suicide
The tradersInsults
MassgravSnut en skjut
BaronessBeneath the rose
Freitag der 13Under Det Svidande Korset
Death crusadeczas konca
Publié dans News | Commentaires fermés sur Emission N°87 : Mais il est où Mounet ?

Emission N°86 : Who let the dogs grind out ?

Chiens longlive the lives
Chiens la voix des fusillés
Cancer bats lonely bong
Octopoulpe Looping
Coach party Micro aggression
Pit Samprass bad wisdom
Dystopia My meds aren’t working
Mortuaire la nuit
La rumeur saturé
Haggus what’s your excuse ?
Noir boy georges Comme alan vega
Lovatarraxx subjugué
Heimberg endless lies
Le réparateur Politesse
Punky tunes Punky family
GridLink Coronet Juniper
Undergang Fael radden dod
Poison Ruin Carrion
Void bringer caudillos
Triturador de Fetos Fístula Aorto-Pulmonar

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Emission N°85 : 99% Métal.

Krav Boca + Sirèné & ÍroasOffbeat
author and punishercenturion
sorcererthe burden is us
Rigorous Institutiondespotism
Humant Blodkonservativ logn
rendez vousdistance
lambrini girlslads lads lads
Oi Polloiboris johnson fuck you
WarfuckPansemental + Ignolve
rotten mindpointless love
restraining orderwhat will you do
Wunderbachparis londres
Breakoutnothing in sight
Ape UnitSplit w/ Horse Bastard
ConvulsionsCrear y créer
harmony and the harmonettesdiminue un peu la drogue
les wampaselle est ou ma loge ?
Scrapsvirtual void
Serial Pissersno fear
AntigamaUnclear Conversions
M:40Dödens bleka häst
insanity alertshredator
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Emission (19)84 : plutôt death metol que Cali.

Enforcedaggressive menace
Caustic Christno love
Pig Sweatdon’t panic
IlliteratesWeather Capital
UfomammutLet me drown
Rancidtomorrow never comes
Cemented MindsFlowers for handcuffs
Hininrêve adolescent (the undertones cover)
She Past Awaydurdu dunya
Res TurnerAntispéciste
Recedant Somniathe whispers in my head
Mars red skyout at large
Soul GloJump!! (Or Get Jumped!!!)((by the future))
MurgeThe Silent Truth
Gauzedistort japan
Hazemazein the light of the light for the dark
Fangeà la racine
So CloseStérile Watcher
Yarostanjouer dans les ruines
bad breedinghuman capital
Publié dans News | Commentaires fermés sur Emission (19)84 : plutôt death metol que Cali.

Emission N°83 : casserole against fascism

CerbereSale Chien
Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigsbig rig
Ancient Emblemeve(n)
LothIn Battle ther is no love
der we einher freiheirtMorgen
Unsanitary Napkinterf war
Bordgerkult krusher
Pest ControlMasquerade Party
collectif astereotypieAucun mec ne ressemble à Brad pitt dans la drome
mspaintthink it through
Rogernomixgrotty politics
The Tacksfantasy
friskunderneath the mask
CarcinusPublic Execution
grave pleasuresheart like a slaughterhouse
Turbonegroeverybody loves a chubby dude
Vlaarbons à rien
Ocasodigging my grave
Sick of it all
Sulfuric CauteryMouth and lungs stiffed with fiberglass
The Arson ProjectGod Bless
Litovskthere ain’t no answer
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Emission 82 : D-beat social, tu perds ton sang froid.

Bolchoihier aujourd’hui et demain
ObituaryMy will to live
Hiatusend is near
Verpestslaughter omen
HellacoptersI’m watching you
Zabriskie pointla grève
primitive man + full of hellrubble home
pogomartoje n’irai pas travailler
les cadavres7h23
SaccageAvarice du gras
ScalpJesus is god
ScalpEndless relapse
Velvet vegaeve(n)
didier superles gens qui bossent
heyokala bourse ou la vie
KommandChimera Soldiers
Granslandetreligions of war
rené binamérevolte
Justin(e)la chanson du lait
Endorphins lostRegulation Aera bombing
Endorphins lostHooverville
sea of shitDormancy
poesie zeroblack bloc dans le club
Publié dans News | Commentaires fermés sur Emission 82 : D-beat social, tu perds ton sang froid.