Archives de l’auteur : mementomori

Emission N°92 : Tronçonneuse et D-beat pour toujours.

SLOWER Dead skin mask Split system End of the night Laura jane Grace punk rock in basement Jetsam villain Gummo bygotism and evil Hell Wandering Soul Ken Mode The Shrike Slope Chasing hights Infectious groove punk it up Cran famine … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°91 : Aux chanwelyzés

Clavicule Wilted Flowers Abrasive wheels maybe tomorrow Angelic upstarts last night another soldiers Black Wound Dread Zorn The Spell of the Fairy Tree Pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs Terror’s pillow Chiens new world disorder Anthrax indians Municipal waste … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°90 : c’est la caca, la cata, c’est la catastrophe.

Burning heads bomb the world Petrol girls Touch me again Storm Of Sedition Eternal War Winter Servant of the warsmen Swordwielder beneath a blood red sky Katarsi kamarada The chisel Cry your eye out Health Hateful Horskh Bodybuilding The midnight … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°89 : Post rock et bétonnière

Broken Roses Tell me Clowns scared to die Dopelord Worms King Gordy Satanic Panic Astio bocche stanche Chiaroscuro constantly problematic Jeremie Dalstein High anxiety The atom Age New season Rampage ! Sick of this Exhibition Losing Control Turquoise guerre du feu … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°88 : No barbecue, no problems.

Hinin tu lis dans mes pensées Chiaroscuro Grain de sable Enzyme abuse of power Thatchers’s snatch white collar man Fugitive Stand Off Hordur Perdu dans le sleeping Rorcal childood is a knife in the throat Move BHC 1000000 experiments Ambulance … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°87 : Mais il est où Mounet ?

Escape MFS Home front overtime Joy Division Disorder Svartulven Witness of fire beyond Feu Viser la base des flammes Burning Bright beasts of prey Innumerable Forms Impenetrable Human Corpse Abuse Spiraling Teeth King gizzard and the lizard wizard Converge Viceprez … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°86 : Who let the dogs grind out ?

Chiens longlive the lives Chiens la voix des fusillés Cancer bats lonely bong Octopoulpe Looping Coach party Micro aggression Pit Samprass bad wisdom Dystopia My meds aren’t working Mortuaire la nuit La rumeur saturé Haggus what’s your excuse ? Noir boy … Continuer la lecture

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Emission N°85 : 99% Métal.

Krav Boca + Sirèné & Íroas Offbeat author and punisher centurion sorcerer the burden is us Rigorous Institution despotism Humant Blod konservativ logn Nostromo Decimatio Witchfinder Approaching rendez vous distance lambrini girls lads lads lads Oi Polloi boris johnson fuck … Continuer la lecture

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Emission (19)84 : plutôt death metol que Cali.

Mortuaire butoir Enforced aggressive menace Caustic Christ no love Pig Sweat don’t panic Illiterates Weather Capital Ufomammut Let me drown Rancid tomorrow never comes Cemented Minds Flowers for handcuffs Hinin rêve adolescent (the undertones cover) She Past Away durdu dunya … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans News | Commentaires fermés sur Emission (19)84 : plutôt death metol que Cali.

Emission N°83 : casserole against fascism

Cerbere Sale Chien Clavicule rockets Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs big rig Ancient Emblem eve(n) Lolth Trismegistus Loth In Battle ther is no love der we einher freiheirt Morgen Unsanitary Napkin terf war Bordger kult krusher Pest Control … Continuer la lecture

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