Emission N°89 : Post rock et bétonnière

Broken RosesTell me
Clownsscared to die
King GordySatanic Panic
Astiobocche stanche
Chiaroscuroconstantly problematic
Jeremie DalsteinHigh anxiety
The atom AgeNew season
Rampage !Sick of this
ExhibitionLosing Control
Turquoiseguerre du feu
Barragelit vide
KindFavorite one
Insomnia Isterica
Will CopeA gift that keeps on giving + Burst
Union Thugspartisan
Dictator shipcity girl
Stuffed foxesDrift
LothLa douleur tombée du Ciel
Faucheuseville interdite
Helms AleeInterarchnid
Whoresbaby bird
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