Emission (19)84 : plutôt death metol que Cali.

Enforcedaggressive menace
Caustic Christno love
Pig Sweatdon’t panic
IlliteratesWeather Capital
UfomammutLet me drown
Rancidtomorrow never comes
Cemented MindsFlowers for handcuffs
Hininrêve adolescent (the undertones cover)
She Past Awaydurdu dunya
Res TurnerAntispéciste
Recedant Somniathe whispers in my head
Mars red skyout at large
Soul GloJump!! (Or Get Jumped!!!)((by the future))
MurgeThe Silent Truth
Gauzedistort japan
Hazemazein the light of the light for the dark
Fangeà la racine
So CloseStérile Watcher
Yarostanjouer dans les ruines
bad breedinghuman capital
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