Emission N°80 : c’est noël, 3 semaines après.

Bad religionWhite christmas
IffernetFor the Destitute
Wolfbrigadeanti tanks dogs
The specialsgangsters
Motorheadwe are the road crew
Civilian ThrowerDevious Benevolence
ProudhonFar Beyond
RhapsodyDawn of victory
Burning headsI’m not a robot
Lazarathfallin down
-16-Dead Eyes
pisstestPry + Combat Boot
Psychrophorebad number
Auxiliofuck monsanto
As a new revoltkanuni
Lugosithe naked king part 1
Exhorbitant Prices Must DiminishOut of it All
Limp bizkitturn it up bitch
Collapsedlost tribes
Bastard Royaltydrone wars
helms aleepleasure center
TrucidoFell off + Preyed Upon
Fuck it i quitmemento mori
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