Emission N°66(6) : l’amour du rock.

The muslimsfuck these fucking fascists
Torvewolves on the remparts
Darkthronehis master voice
Higgs Bosonisolation /salvation
Amyl and the sniffersHertz
Okkultokratithunders possessed
Civilian ThrowerHuman projectiles
Jarnborden parad av forsupnaman
Nervegasgone away
Zealot RIPmagnetic field of dreams
LOSERhead first
Death toll 80k
Death toll 80k
Oi Boyssur la place
The wildheartsstormy in the north, karma in the south
sad parknothing ever
The ButtressFuneral
Backxwash feat SurgeryheadWail of the Banshee
Radical kitteni don’t wanna
Viborvflor de maiz
Endcovet not
ckyflesh into gear
Hummingbird of deathRunning Shart
Trauma BondTotal Fermentation
Monde de merdeno means no
Hookdead in my mouth + you are faking
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