Emission N°88 : No barbecue, no problems.

Hinintu lis dans mes pensées
ChiaroscuroGrain de sable
Enzymeabuse of power
Thatchers’s snatchwhite collar man
FugitiveStand Off
HordurPerdu dans le sleeping
Rorcalchildood is a knife in the throat
Move BHC1000000 experiments
Fredag den 13:Een storm ar pa vag
Year of the knifeCtrl + C
Bat SabbathWarpigs
Skip Life
Tentaculoextranas luces
Red Donsgenocide
Terminator x
SepulturaSlaves of pain
Brutuslove won’t hide the ugliness
Nightfeederrolling slaughter
Cancer Spreadingdying martyrs
Blood incantationobliquity of the ecliptic
Tomb MoldThe Perfect Memory
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